
Pushing mysql to heroku

I succesfully ported to Django app to heroku, and now I just need to push the database. I tried with:

heroku db:push mysql://root@localhost:themedb

and got the following error:

Loaded Taps v0.3.23
 !    Invalid database url

I'm pretty sure mysql://root@localhost:themedb is wrong but I dont know what part of it is. The database has no password so I skipped the password.

I appreciate any help.

UPDATE: As suggested by hgmnz I did:

heroku db:push mysql://root@localhost/themedb

but got the following:

Failed to connect to database:
  Sequel::AdapterNotFound -> LoadError: no such file to load -- mysql


  • Try heroku db:push mysql://root@localhost/themedb, and I'd like to point you at valkyrie, the likely successor of taps.