I have a dynamic textfield which uses html text loaded form an XML file:
<someText><![CDATA[I am <i>some</i> text.]]></someText>
As you can see, this uses regular and italic. I have embedded my font in all it's varieties, every single glyph, but the italic text isn't showing. My AS3:
Font var: private var regularFont:Font = new myFontRegular();
myFontRegular is embedded using the embedding dialogue, but is set to regular, not italic.
Textfield formatting: bodyFormat.font = regularFont.fontName;
To set up the textfield:
bodyField.embedFonts = true;
bodyField.defaultTextFormat = bodyFormat;
bodyField.multiline = true;
bodyField.wordWrap = true;
bodyField.antiAliasType = "advanced";
bodyField.selectable = false;
I then set the textfield to htmlText and give it content:
bodyField.htmlText = pageBody;
pageBody is a var that is fed from the XML.
OK, so that's set up but italic text doesn't show, which I guess is because the embedded font is set to regular, not italic. So how can I use italic half way through a sentence for example? I've Googled and tried various methods to embed the font directly in code, same problem.
This has worked fine for me before, I don't understand what is wrong with this. If I need to post more, please let me know.
it is better to use proper setup of the embedded font, you should use the familyName to give a name of the font famiy set (it will be the same for italic, bold and normal) like below:
fontFamily = "Arial",
unicodeRange = "U+0009, U+00A9,U+00AE,U+00B0,U+00B7,U+00A3,U+00A7, U+0021-U+002F, U+003A-U+0040, U+005B-U+0060, U+007B-U+007D, U+00A0, U+00B4, U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, U+0061-U+007A, U+00B4,U+2032,U+2033,U+2019,U+2013, U+00E9,U+00C9, U+2022, U+2026",
private var arialImported:Class;
fontFamily = "Arial",
fontWeight = "bold",
unicodeRange = "U+0009, U+00A9,U+00AE,U+00B0,U+00B7,U+00A3,U+00A7, U+0021-U+002F, U+003A-U+0040, U+005B-U+0060, U+007B-U+007D, U+00A0, U+00B4, U+0030-U+0039, U+0041-U+005A, U+0061-U+007A, U+00B4,U+2032,U+2033,U+2019,U+2013, U+00E9,U+00C9, U+2022",
private var arialBoldImported:Class
then it should work e.g. bodyFormat.font = "myFontFamilyName";
, but I feel that also you need to have stylesheet object applied and wrap everything (content) with P tag
var m_oStylesheet = new StyleSheet();
m_oStylesheet.parseCSS("P{font-family:myFontFamilyName; }");
bodyField.styleSheet = m_oStylesheet;
You may also look at this entry about StyleSheet
best regards