I have PNG files and the Gloss library has a Bitmap
constructor for Picture
. I can't use loadBMP :: FilePath -> IO Picture
because of the filetype, so I'm searching how to load a PNG file, convert it to BMP, and feed it to either bitmapOfBMP :: BMP -> Picture
, bitmapOfForeignPtr :: Int -> Int -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> Bool -> Picture
or bitmapOfByteString :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Bool -> Picture
Test with JuicyPixels
import Data.ByteString as B
import System.IO as A
import Codec.Picture.Png
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
main = do
png <- B.readFile "samus.png"
let img = decodePng png
case img of
Left x -> A.putStrLn x
Right x -> do
let bmp = encodeDynamicPng x
case bmp of
Left x -> A.putStrLn x
Right x -> do
let pic = bitmapOfByteString 29 52 x True
game pic
game pic
= play
(InWindow "Test" (700, 500) (10, 10))
(const id)
(const id)
draw bmp
= bmp
Everything succeeds but the image is not the same at all.
Even though I didn't come with the answer alone, but thanks to Thomas' answer, I will post it here instead of inside the question.
As a reminder, the goal is to convert a BMP file into a Gloss' Picture, so I wrote a function called bmpToPic
. I put it in a module, because it uses two others functions, and needs many imports.
Also, repaToPicture
from Thomas' answer is slighty different here.
module PngToPic
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Codec.Picture.Png
import Codec.Picture.Repa
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import Data.Array.Repa ((:.)(..), Z, Z(..), extent, DIM3, Array)
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
import qualified Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr as F
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
pngToPic :: ByteString -> Picture
pngToPic png
= let
Right img -- unsafe
= decodePng png
= imgData (convertImage img :: Img RGBA)
in repaToPicture True repa
repaToPicture :: Bool -> Array F.F DIM3 Word8 -> Picture
repaToPicture b arr
= bitmapOfByteString row col bs b
= BI.fromForeignPtr fptr 0 (R.size sh)
= F.toForeignPtr arr'
sh@(Z :. col :. row :. depth)
= extent arr'
= flipVert arr
flipVert :: Array F.F DIM3 Word8 -> Array F.F DIM3 Word8
flipVert g
= R.computeS $ R.backpermute e flop g
e@(Z :. x :. y :. _)
= extent g
flop (Z :. i :. j :. k)
= Z :. x - i - 1 :. j :. k
You use it like that:
import Data.ByteString as B
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import PngToPic
main = do
png <- B.readFile "someImage.png"
game $ pngToPic png
game pic
= play
(InWindow "Test" (700, 500) (10, 10))
(const id)
(const id)
and the image will show up in the middle of the window.