I'd like to set bytes from a bitmap to memory, setting bytes which value is not equal to a given transparency byte value.
Schematically I'd like to do :
for (char *src=start;src<end;src++,dst++)
if (*src!=VALUE) {
i.e. setting only bytes that are different from a value, in C or assembly (or C back translated from assembly)
To be faster, I've considered using 32bits loads, the SEL operation between src and dst, and a 32bit store. However, I need to set the mask, which is in APSR.GE.
If i'm not wrong, doing a SIMD comparison (using USUB8) with VALUE will only check whether the result is >= or < to VALUE, it's not possible to check if they're equal. (of course you could restrict VALUE to 0 or 255 and call it a day ...)
Another possibility would be to use a precomputed mask on src and then setting manually APSR.GE (is it possible?) but 1) it uses memory, 2) it's not always feasible to have the data before 3) not sure if it will really be faster than a byte by byte access.
Exact syntax escapes me for now but how about something like this: