
Reading data with Zend_Soap_Client

I am new to Zend_Soap_Client. I have the following code as an example, and I try to understand what is behind it. Do I understand correctly that it connects to remote server and reads specified data? Finally, as far as I understand, it is supposed to save these data in test.txt.

I tried to run this code (I have the necessary certificate). The problem is that no data is saved to test.txt. So, could someone please explain me this technology or give me a link to a good tutorial on similar topic? In particular, I'm very interested in how to save necessary data to local XML file or array.

P.S. I apologize if I used some incorrect definitions, because as I mentioned at the beginning I'm new to Zend_Soap_Client and the related technology.

$wsdl = 'tttest.wsdl';

$options = array(
    'local_cert' => 'certificate.pem',
    'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1

$client = new Zend_Soap_Client($wsdl, $options);

$p = array(
    'endUserId' => 'demo',
    'sendTime' => array('value' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")),
    'eaupId' => array('chainDate' => array('value' => $chaindate), 'sequenceNumber' => 1)
$webServices = $client->retrieveEAUPCDRs($p);

$line = $client->getLastResponse();
$line = substr($line, 110);
$line = substr($line, 0, -22);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($line);

$result = $xml->xpath('//@ns3:title | //ns2:beginPosition | //ns2:endPosition | //ns4:upperLimit | //ns4:lowerLimit | //ns8:conditionalRouteType');

$filename = 'test.txt';
if ($fh = fopen($filename, "r")) {
    while (!feof($fh)) {
        $line = fgets($fh);
        if (strlen($line) != 0) {
            $chars = explode(";", $line, 5);
            $np[$chars[0]] = "$chars[3],$chars[2]";


  • This code does NOT do what you think it is doing.

    The first two-thirds (up to and including the call to xpath()) do connect to a server and grab some information, which is ultimately placed in the $result variable. However, the last 11 lines do not utilize any of the data from the previous code ($line is being re-used in the last bit).

    Furthermore, fopen() is being called with the "r" option, which means read-only.

    I would recommend spending some time on researching the various PHP functions and language constructs that are being used in this code and then visiting the Zend Framework Manual for additional info on Zend_Soap_Client: