
Javascript: DLNA client

I am planning to write a DLNA (upnp) client in javascript. I would like to know if this is possible in the first place or not.

If yes, then where can do I start? What do I need to know to begin? Links to any documentation and tutorials will be highly appreciated. I've tried Googling, but didn't come across much helpful content.

I just need a prod in the right direction.

Thanks! :)


  • The best place for you to start is the UPnP device architecture doc in the docs bundle from the UPnP forum. This splits the protocol into a number of areas:

    In summary then, a JavaScript UPnP client is possible only if you can use native code to handle device discovery. If you decide to try this, open source UPnP stacks exist to handle most of the work of discovery for you.