
Xcode Code Completion "flicker"

I've recently upgraded from Xcode 4.3 to 4.4 and I'm about to bash my screen in with frustration.

The problem I'm having is with the code completion. As I type a variable or method name, the completion window pops up with the suggestions like it's supposed to. But if I attempt to use the cursor keys to scroll between the suggestions, the suggestions disappear and the cursor moves in the code, not between the suggestions. If I press enter to accept the default suggestion, it again dismisses the suggestions and inserts a return into the code taking the cursor to the next line.

This doesn't happen every time I attempt code completion, but it does occur more often than not. For a given name I'm trying to complete, it either works or it doesn't (e.g. if I press escape to get the suggestions back, it will disappear just as quickly as the first time it disappeared for that line/name I was trying to complete). When I get to the next line of code, it's a whole new bet whether it will work or not. It seems that the closer to the actual completion of the name I am, the more likely it is to actually work and accept the suggestion or move between the suggestions. Sometimes, if I act quickly enough, I can move the highlighted suggestion one or two lines before the suggestions disappear. I'm aware that if you don't select a suggestion quickly enough that it's supposed to eventually remove the suggestions (on the order of several seconds), but this behavior is not what I'm describing. I'd be VERY happy at this point if I had a single second to actually respond and select a suggestion from the pop-up.

So far I've tried a clean of the project, deleting all of the project's derived data, and restarting xcode. All of which don't seem to affect the behavior. Any ideas? I've searched stackoverflow and google and haven't found any other people reporting this problem ...

Thanks for any ideas,



After upgrading to the XCode 4.6 release version (and 4.5 somewhere in the middle there), this problem is still present ... and making edits in the left/main editor window is still a work-around.


  • I am seeing the same with Xcode 4.4.1. It seems to be related to where the completion window pops up. Debugger pane open or closed does not change anything here.

    When in the Assistant Editor trying in the right pane the completion windows flickers. Same line of code in the left window works fine. Single editor works, too.