How do I know the actual line number on file associated to a line read by the CSVReader class? I can count the lines assuming every line read by this class is a new line on file. The problem is that it is possible to have newline characters in the CSV file. So for example, having 3 "logical" lines does not mean we have 3 "physical" lines on file. I have an error reporting feature that almost always report the wrong line number because of this.
Any ideas how to determine the real line number on file? Thanks!
If you are willing to modify the source code, you can add a counter to
private String getNextLine()
Increment the counter in the two places where
is called, and expose the counter as a public property.
If you do not wish to modify the source code, for each CSV line returned, you could increment your own counter by 1 + the sum of the newline characters in the CSV line
(presumably OpenCSV is returning columns including the newline characters to your code, though I have not tested that behavior). If you had Column A with one newline and Column B with two newlines, the actual file should look something like:
"This is
Cell A","And
resulting in 3 newline characters (or \r\n sequences, depending on your platform), plus the 1 line returned by OpenCSV. Increment your counter by 4.