Data: Say I have a 2000 rows by 500 column matrix (image)
What I need: Compute the FFT of 64 rows by 10 column chunks of above data. In other words, I want to compute the FFT of 64X10 window that is run across the entire data matrix. The FFT result is used to compute a scalar value (say peak amplitude frequency) which is used to create a new "FFT value" image.
Now, I need the final FFT image to be the same size as the original data (2000 X 500).
What is the fastest way to accomplish this in MATLAB? I am currently using for loops which is relatively slow. Also I use interpolation to size up the final image to the original data size.
As @EitanT pointed out, you can use blockproc
for batch block processing of an image J.
However you should define your function handle as
fun = @(block_struct) fft2(;
B = blockproc(J, [64 10], fun);
For a [2000 x 500]
matrix this will give you a [2000 x 500]
output of complex Fourier values, evaluated at sub-sampled pixel locations with a local support (size of the input to FFT) of [64 x 10]
. Now, to replace those values with a single, e.g. with the peak log-magnitude, you can further specify
fun = @(block_struct) max(max(log(abs(fft2(;
B = blockproc(J, [64 10], fun);
The output then is a [2000/64 x 500/10] output of block-patch values, which you can resize by nearest-neighbor interpolation (or something else for smoother versions) to the desired [2000 x 500] original size
C = imresize(B, [2000 500], 'nearest');
I can include a real image example if it will further help.
Update: To get overlapping blocks you can use the 'Bordersize'
option of blockproc
by setting the overlap [V H]
such that the final windows of size [M + 2*V, N + 2*H]
will still be [64, 10] in size. Example:
fun = @(block_struct) log(abs(fft2(;
V = 16; H = 3; % overlap values
overlap = [V H];
M = 32; N = 4; % non-overlapping values
B1 = blockproc(J, [M N], fun, 'BorderSize', overlap); % final windows are 64 x 10
However, this will work with keeping the full Fourier response, not the single-value version with max(max())
See also this post for filtering using blockproc:
Dealing with “Really Big” Images: Block Processing.