
lejos filewriting to the NXT

I am new to java and lejos so please don't blame me if i'm asking rather dumb questions.

I was trying to let the lego ultrasonic sensor scan a 360 degree area around my nxt by rotating it on a motor. Every 5 degrees it saves the distance to a .txt file.

My problem is that later when I read the file from my PC after uploading it with nxjbrowse.bat, it only contains the ASCII characters linked to the numbers that supposed to be saved there (0 - 255).

My code for the NXT:

package Dataloggers;

import; import lejos.nxt.;

public class USdistance {

int totalRotation = 360; int scanDensity = 5; UltrasonicSensor ultrasonicSensor = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S3); File distanceFile = new File("Distances.txt"); FileOutputStream fileStream = null; public static void main(String[] args) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") USdistance usD = new USdistance(); } public USdistance() { Motor.A.setAcceleration(2000); Motor.A.setSpeed(50); try { fileStream = new FileOutputStream(distanceFile); } catch (Exception e) { LCD.drawString("Can't make a file", 0, 0); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPress(); System.exit(1); } DataOutputStream dataStream = new DataOutputStream(fileStream); Motor.A.rotate(90); Motor.A.resetTachoCount(); Motor.A.backward(); do { if (-(Motor.A.getTachoCount()) % scanDensity == 0 ) { int distance = ultrasonicSensor.getDistance(); try { dataStream.writeInt(distance); fileStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("Can't write to the file", 0, 1); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPress(); System.exit(1); } } } while (-(Motor.A.getTachoCount()) < totalRotation); Motor.A.stop(); try { fileStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("Can't save the file", 0, 1); Button.ESCAPE.waitForPress(); System.exit(1); } Motor.A.rotate(270); } }

Thanks in advance Rob


  • I solved my problem by using:

    int distance = ultrasonicSensor.getDistance();
    BufferedOutputStream buffStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(distances.txt)));

    By using this my text file looks like this: 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 instead of 㔵㈀㔵㈀㔵㈀㔵㈀㔵㐀5㐴㐀3㌴㐀4㐴㌀6㌳㌀3㈵㔀2㈵㔀2㈵㔀2㈵㔀2㌵㔀3㌵㈀㔵㈀㔵㈀㔵㈀

    Anyway thanks for your replies @SimpleCoder