
New Install of MinGW Issue with Compilation and Executable

I used to have an older version of MinGW installed on my windows machine.

When I compiled my program under "Release" mode using the MinGW tool collection for build in NetBeans IDE, my executable was roughly 700KB.

Then, I recently installed the latest MinGW (mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe).

After the installation, I re-built my program and the executable is now 275KB and it doesn't seem to be reading the passed-in arguments correctly. The build is "BUILD SUCCESSFUL". It does have warnings for deprecation-related issues, but this existed before the new install.

I am really confused. Do you know what the problem is?


  • WOW. It works now. I think removing C:\cygwin\bin from the PATH fixed the problem. Ahhh. Is that right? That's strange though because I specifically told NetBeans to use the MinGW toolset. Thanks for your help everyone.