
Check if an angle defined by 3 points is inner or outer

I've found a problem with the detection of angle types (whether inner or outer wrt the origin of axes), given a set of polylines. I've found dozens of very similar questions, but none of them solved my problem, so I put it here in hope something comes out.

classification of angles

All I have is a set of polylines. I need to find the angles (with a given tolerance close to rectangles), and classify them as inner or outer.

For each polyline I take the vertices 3 by 3, and I am able to recognize whether the central one is or is not an angle, and measure its value as a number between 0 and 180 degrees.

Now I need to give this angle a direction (let's say a sign, negative if the acute is aiming away from the origin, positive if it aims toward the center), and I thought I'd implement it with one of the 2 methods below, but none of them worked.

1) Just the 'sign of a 2d crossproduct' (i know this is not mathematically correct terminology):

//given 3 contiguous vertices a,b,c
//check if b is a inner (+1) or outer (-1) vertex (0 in other cases)

double cross = ((b.x - a.x)*(c.y - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x));

if(cross > 0){
  return 1;
} else if (cross < 0) {
  return -1;
return 0;

But it seems it only works in the bottom left quadrant, in the top right works exactly in the opposite way, while it screws in the others and i can't understand why.

2) Compare the norm of the vertices

if b.norm() < a.norm() && b.norm() < c.norm 
then return +1
else return -1

This only works with basic cases, and overall no polylines crossing the axes (embracing the origin). I can check all the cases, but I'd rather avoid that.

Obviously, there are far safer methods, such as checking if the vertex is on the same side of the origin compared to a line passing between 2 neighbours lying on the 2 vectors.. but i need to optimize it as much as possible.


  • The short version:

    Describe the two angle vectors coming from the center point as a and b. And describe the vector from your center point to the origin as center.

    The angle will be described as "inner" if:

    dot( a + b, center ) > 0.0 && dot( cross( a, center ), cross( b, center ) ) < 0.0

    The explanation:

    This can be solved by using both the cross product and the dot product. (And happily, no angles at all. This can be solved entirely with adds, multiplies, and comparisons.)

    Here it is, solved in two steps.

    1. Is the angle pointing more toward the origin than away?

    The angle is pointing more towards than away if you define the "direction the angle is pointing" by summing the two angle vectors.

    Note that if the individual lengths of a and b are different, you can get some incorrect edge cases for very wide angles. Normalizing a and b will fix that.

    `dot( a + b, center ) > 0.0`

    2. Are vectors a and b pointing to opposite sides of the origin?

    Vectors a and b are pointing to opposite sides of the origin if their cross products point in opposing directions.

    `dot( cross( a, center ), cross( b, center ) ) < 0.0`

    If and only if these are both true, your angle is defined as "inner".