
Session Sharing in Web Sphere Application Server

I have WAS(Websphere Application Server) 6.1 and RSA (Rational Software Architect) 7.0 I want to share session between two different application in same server and under same EAR.

I tried this

but in RSA does not show me "Deployment Descriptor Editor" option when I right click on my EAR.

Somehow I believe it adds "Shared session context" extension in "ibm-application-ext.xmi". I tried to add

<shared-session-context value="true"/>

in this file but server throw

Feature 'shared-session-context' not found. (file:///D:/Appl/IBM/SDP70/runtimes/base_v61/profiles/AppSrv01/META-INF/ibm-application-ext.xmi, 4, 27)

Am I missing something?


  • In RAD/RSA, you access the Deployment Descriptor Editor by expanding your EAR project and opening the application.xml file. I'm on a newer version of RAD (and WebSphere), but I expect this will be the same location.

    On the first tab of the editor, the Overview tab, check the "Shared session context" box. When you save, this will create or modify your ibm-application-ext.xmi file.

    Further, when you look at the source of that, you'll see that the actual way it's written (again for my WebSphere 6.1 in this case) is as an attribute in the <applicationext:ApplicationExtension> element, and with a slightly different name than what you used:

    <applicationext:ApplicationExtension ... sharedSessionContext="true">