I am using Ajax with ModelGlue in a ColdFusion Application. I want to make an Ajax call to return a value. I do not want to render any view. I just want a database interaction and bring back a value.
My Ajax call:
new Ajax.Request(root+'test.testFunction',{
method: 'post',
parameters: {param1:paramval},
onSuccess: function(response){
var myresult = response.responseText;
my modelglue event :
<event-handler name="test.testFunction">
<message name="testFunction" />
and my controller function:
<cffunction name="testFunction" returnType="any" output="true" >
<cfargument name="event" type="any" required="true">
<cfset justtest = 1>
<cfreturn justtest>
I am using prototype as my ajax library.
When i alert the responseText i am getting null value. Is this bcoz i have not included the view part in the event handler? If i included the view part then i wud have to create a new page which i dont want to do. Is it possible to get just a server value by ajax call without rendering any view? I want to have myresult value as 1 according to the above scenario.
Pls help. Thnx for any help.
Try using this at the end of your controller function:
<CFCONTENT TYPE="text" RESET="Yes"><CFOUTPUT>#serializeJSON(justTest)#
<cfset request.modelGlueSuppressDebugging = true />
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="false" /></CFOUTPUT><cfabort>
So like this:
<cffunction name="testFunction" returnType="any" output="true" >
<cfargument name="event" type="any" required="true">
<cfset justtest = 1>
<CFCONTENT TYPE="text" RESET="Yes"><CFOUTPUT>#serializeJSON(justTest)#
<cfset request.modelGlueSuppressDebugging = true />
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="false" /></CFOUTPUT><cfabort>
This will keep your current view and return 'justTest' as a json.
If you are using firefox you should be able to see the reponse from the server.