
vmem and maxvmem

I have a question about vmem and maxvmem. I searched on the web but there are really many confusing explanations of the two words. What I did was to type:

qstat -j 1154926 | grep vmem

The output was: cpu=00:05:25, mem=23.21121 GBs, io=2.70481, vmem=239.277M, maxvmem=351.359M

Can anyone help me to understand the meaning of the variables?



  • I found this link to be helpful.


    qstat can provide more detailed information about a running job by passing it a job id specified by the '-j' argument:
    [jamesa@codon sge_test]$ qstat -j 3804867
    job_number:                 3804867
    exec_file:                  job_scripts/3804867
    submission_time:            Wed Jun 29 11:04:02 2011
    owner:                      jamesa
    uid:                        1001
    group:                      bss-staff
    gid:                        50001
    sge_o_home:                 /home/jamesa
    sge_o_log_name:             jamesa
    sge_o_path:                 /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin:/usr/lib64/openmpi/1.4-gcc/bin:/opt/sge/6_2u5_1/bin/lx26-amd64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/biosoft/bin:/usr/biosoft/perl_modules/bioperl/current/bin:/usr/biosoft/packages/emboss/current/bin:/home/jamesa/bin
    sge_o_shell:                /bin/bash
    sge_o_workdir:              /home/jamesa/sge_test
    sge_o_host:                 codon
    account:                    sge
    cwd:                        /home/jamesa/
    sge_testmerge:                      y
    hard resource_list:         h_rt=3600,h_vmem=2G
    mail_list:                  jamesa@codon.bioinformatics.ic.ac.uk
    notify:                     FALSE
    job_name:                   blast
    jobshare:                   0
    script_file:                blast.sh
    usage    1:                 cpu=00:01:37, mem=78.06343 GBs, io=0.00002, vmem=925.562M, maxvmem=1.012G
    scheduling info:            There are no messages available

    You can see the resources you requested at submission time on the hard_resource_list line of the qstat output. The actual resources used by the job at the time qstat were executed are shown in the usage line.

    Email Reporting

    A summary of the jobs resource usage can be obtained by requesting an email report following the jobs completion, using the -m e qsub directive (see advanced submission options for details). An example email report is show below.

    Job 3804869 (blast) Complete
      User             = jamesa
      Queue            = 3day_16@bss-node11.cluster.bioinformatics.ic.ac.uk
      Host             = bss-node11.cluster.bioinformatics.ic.ac.uk
      Start Time       = 06/29/2011 11:26:08
      End Time         = 06/29/2011 11:30:43
      User Time        = 00:03:51
      System Time       = 00:00:12
      Wallclock Time   = 00:04:35
      CPU              = 00:04:04
      Max vmem         = 1.012G
      Exit Status      = 0

    The total memory used is indicated by the Max vmem field, while the total runtime is reported as Wallclock Time. Care should be taken when submitting a large number of jobs with email reporting enabled, since you may find yourself recieving several thousand reports in individual emails.