See JsFiddle here
In words: I have some ajax call, and in the server's response I get some array of items (Items in knockout viewmodel)
I need to know that property name
was changed in element with id==2
etc to save changes automatically on server (via POST request)
What is the simplest/easiest way to track changes in each element in Items
I co-wrote a component called DirtyFlag that detects changes in Knockout observables (or a set of them). You can grab in from my library called KoLite that you can grab off NuGet or GitHub.
// Your model
var Person = function () {
var self = this; = ko.observable();
self.firstName = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.lastName = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.dirtyFlag = new ko.DirtyFlag([self.firstName,self.lastName]);
return self;
Hook these into your viewmodel to detect if there were changes ...
//Property on your view model. myPerson is an instance of Person.
//Did it Change?
isDirty = ko.computed(function () {
return myPerson().dirtyFlag().isDirty();
Then to resync the changes ...
//Resync Changes