I'm reading the paper, making B+-trees cache conscious in main memory. In Section 3.1.2, authors describe several approaches to searching within a CSB+ tree node.
Tha basic approach is to simply do a binary search using a conventional while loop.
The uniform approach is through code expansion, unfolding the while loop into if-then-else
statements assuming all the keys are used.
Authors give the following example which exhibits an unfolding of the search for a node with up to 9 keys. The number in a node represents the position of the key being used in an if
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \
1 3 5 8
/ \
7 9
Then comes the confusing part:
If only 5 keys were actually present, we could traverse this tree with exactly 3 comparisons. On the other hand, an unfolding that put the deepest subtree at the left instead of the right would need 4 comparisons on some branches.
So why would it need more comparisons in the following tree:
/ \
4 8
/ \ / \
2 5 7 9
/ \
1 3
if we knew we had only five valid keys, we could hardcode a tree that, on average, used 2.67 comparisons rather than 3.
How does 2.67 come about?
Any hints would be appreciated. Also, a link directing me to code expansion knowledge would be helpful.
Actually, I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to ask a question on a paper because some key information may have been left out when transcribed here (the question may need reformatting). I just wish there could be someone who happens to have read the paper.
The key point here is the following quotation from the same section:
we pad all the unused keys (keyList[nKeys..2d-1]) in a node with the largest possible key
Also is is important that in B+/CSB+ tree we search not for node values, but for intervals between these values. A set of possible values is split by 5 keys into 6 intervals.
Since most of the right sub-tree is filled with the largest possible key (L), we need less comparisons than usual:
/ \
2 L
/ \ / \
1 3 5 L
/ \
Right descendant of root node has largest possible key, there is no need to check any node to the right of it. And exactly 3 comparisons are needed for every interval:
interval comparisons
up to 1 k>4, k>2, k>1
1..2 k>4, k>2, k>1
2..3 k>4, k>2, k>3
3..4 k>4, k>2, k>3
4..5 k>4, k>L, k>5
5..L k>4, k>L, k>5
If we put the deepest subtree at the left, we have a tree, where non-empty nodes are placed one level deeper:
/ \
4 L
/ \ / \
2 5 L L
/ \
1 3
Search for node "1" in this tree requires to compare the key with 4 different nodes: L, 4, 2, and 1.
If we know we have only five valid keys, we have the following tree:
/ \
1 4
/ \
3 5
Here we can arrange comparisons in a way, that gives 2.67 comparisons on average:
interval comparisons
up to 1 k>2, k>1
1..2 k>2, k>1
2..3 k>2, k>4, k>3
3..4 k>2, k>4, k>3
4..5 k>2, k>4, k>5
5..L k>2, k>4, k>5
"Code expansion" is not a widely used term, so I cannot give you the most relevant link. I think, this is not very different from "Loop unwinding".