
Choosing the correct engine in java

I need to make a program similar to a Lego designer (only for DNA parts instead of Lego). There are so many different options to choose from and I'm not sure whats the best one for my needs. JOGL, lwjgl, JMonkeyEngine and I'm sure there are others.

Can you please recommend the most suitable one for my needs?

This is how the program should pretty much look at the end. And a picture here:

enter image description here

I only know a bit of JOGL programming but before i'm getting into it I wanna be sure its the right thing for me.


  • I'd suggest jMonkeyEngine for this. It uses LWJGL under the hood but provides some higher level constructs that will make your life much easier - in particular it implements a scene graph that you can use to build your world / models.

    LWJGL could also be a good choice, but it's more low-level (effectively a thin wrapper over OpenGL). So you would need to implement most of the 3D engine parts yourself.