Is it possible to set the value of a Select Option equal to a predefined variable, then use its method? Here's an example:
<select class='hidden' id='teamChoice' onchange='chooseTeam()'>
<option value="" selected>What team</option>
<option value='bostonCeltics'>Boston Celtics</option>
var bostonCeltics = {
conferencePA: "5=Conference=Eastern",
divisionPA: "5=Division=Atlantic"
function chooseTeam() {
switch ($('teamChoice').selectedIndex) {
case 0:
case 1:
$('PAType=Name=Value3').innerHTML = this.conferencePA;
Ideally, on selecting the option titled Boston Celtics, I could use a method to access the different properties of the variable object bostonCeltics. Is this possible?
I'm not a Mootools user, but I think I understand what you're getting at, and believe I can point you in the right direction.
In Javascript, you can access any object property directory, OR by using array notation. In other words, given foo = { bar: 1, baz: 2 }
, the following are equivalent:
console.log( ); // prints 1
console.log( foo["bar"] ); // prints 1
var s = "bar";
console.log( foo[s] ); // prints 1
Things get trickier because you define bostonCeltics
as a var
, meaning it's not necessarily a property of any object. You can still accomplish what you want with eval
, though the use of eval
is discouraged:
var s = "bostonCeltics";
console.log( eval( s + ".conferencePA" ) ); // prints "5=Conference=Eastern"
Personally, I would move bostonCeltics
into a parent object, and use the array notation to access its properties, then what you want to do is pretty straightforward. To wit:
var teams = {
bostonCeltics = {
conferencePA: "5=Conference=Eastern",
divisionPA: "5=Division=Atlantic"
// more teams go here
function chooseTeam() {
var tc = $('teamChoice');
var val = tc[tc.selectedIndex].value;
console.log( teams[val].conferencePA ); // prints "5=Conference=Eastern"
Here's a jsFiddle of this in action:
I hope this gets to the heart of what you're asking.