My objective is to get a primary key field automatically inserted when inserting new row in the table.
How to get a sequence going from session to session in PostgreSQL?
doubleemploi@hanbei:/home/yves$ psql -d test
Mot de passe :
psql (8.4.13)
Saisissez « help » pour l''aide.
test=> create sequence test001 start 10;
test=> select currval('test001');
ERREUR: la valeur courante (currval) de la séquence « test00 » n''est pas encore définie dans cette session
--- current value not yet defined this session (???)
test=> select setval('test001', 10);
(1 ligne)
test=> select currval('test00');
(1 ligne)
test=> \q
test@hanbei:/home/yves$ psql -d test
Mot de passe :
psql (8.4.13)
Saisissez « help » pour l''aide.
test=> select currval('test001');
ERREUR: la valeur courante (currval) de la séquence « test00 » n''est pas encore définie dans cette session
This may be simpler than you think ...
My objective is to get a primary key field automatically inserted when inserting new row in the table.
Just set the default value of the column:
ALTER TABLE tbl ALTER COLUMN tbl_id SET DEFAULT nextval('my_seq'::regclass);
Or simpler yet, create the table with a serial
type for primary key to begin with:
tbl_id serial PRIMARY KEY
,col1 txt
-- more columns
It creates a dedicated sequence and sets the default for tbl_id
In Postgres 10 or later, consider an IDENTITY
column instead. See:
This way tbl_id
is assigned the next value from the attached sequence automatically if you don't mention it in the INSERT
. Works with any session, concurrent or not.
INSERT INTO tbl(col1) VALUES ('foo');
If you want the new tbl_id
back to do something with it:
INSERT INTO tbl(col1) VALUES ('foo') RETURNING tbl_id;