
Return ref for iterator but const_ref for const_iterator using boost::iterator_facade<>?

I have a class like this,

template <typename Node>
class BSTIteratorBase : public boost::iterator_facade<
    typename Node::value_type,
{ ...
    value_type& dereference() const
    { return const_cast<value_type&>( nodePtr_->value_ ); } // Ouch! const_iterator may modify
... };

value_type does not depend on the constness of the BSTNode class. That is why I had to keep the const_cast<value_type&>() part. How can I make sure that const_iterator return a const_ref but iterator returns a modifiable ref? Here are the relevant typedefs,

template <typename T>
class BinarySearchTree
    typedef T                                   value_type;
    typedef T&                                  reference;
    typedef const T&                            const_reference;
    typedef BSTNode<T>                          node_type;    
    typedef BSTNode<T>&                         node_reference;
    typedef BSTNode<T>*                         node_pointer;
    typedef BSTIteratorBase<BSTNode<T>>         iterator;
    typedef BSTIteratorBase<const BSTNode<T>>   const_iterator;

And the node class,

template <typename T>
class BSTNode
    typedef T           value_type;
    typedef T&          reference;
    typedef const T&    const_reference;
    typedef BSTNode     node_type;
    typedef BSTNode*    node_pointer;

    // ctors, dtor

    template <class> friend class BSTIteratorBase;
    template <class> friend class BinarySearchTree;

    T value_;
    node_pointer leftPtr_;
    node_pointer rightPtr_;


  • You can use a metafunction that constifies value_type if its enclosing type is const:

    template<class T>
    struct ValueTypeOf { 
        typedef typename T::value_type type; 
    template<class T>
    struct ValueTypeOf<T const> {
        typedef typename T::value_type const type; 
    template <typename Node>
    class BSTIteratorBase : public boost::iterator_facade<
        typename ValueTypeOf<Node>::type,
    // ...