
Copy cell value of JTable with right click

I am showing some results in a JTable that consists of 2 columns.

File - Result

I implemented a JPopupMenu which displays a copy entry, and I try to copy the value of the cell, where I right-clicked.

filelistTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
             TablePopupMenu popup = new TablePopupMenu(filelistTable, e.getPoint());


    public TablePopupMenu(JTable table, Point p) {

        this.table = table;
        this.p = p;

        JMenuItem mntmKopieren = new JMenuItem("Kopieren");
        mntmKopieren.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    public void copyCellToClipboard()
        int r = table.rowAtPoint(p);
        int c = table.columnAtPoint(p);
        StringSelection entry = new StringSelection(table.getValueAt(table.convertRowIndexToView(r), 
        Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
        clipboard.setContents( entry, this );


Anyhow, this only works for a small number of tests. Did I do something wrong or something missing? It looks to me, as if the cell will not even get choosen correctly.


  • Two thingies are slightly off:

    That said: getting cell-coordinate related context is poorly supported. Often, the best bet is to (code snippet below)

    Fails if (as should be done in a well-behaved application), the popup could be triggered by keyboard: if that's the case, you'll need to provide some other marker (f.i. the focused cell) to act on.

    final String popupLocation = "table.popupLocation";
    final JTable table = new JXTable(new AncientSwingTeam()) {
        public Point getPopupLocation(MouseEvent event) {
            // event may be null if triggered by keyboard, f.i.
            // thanks to @Mad for the heads up!
            ((JComponent) event.getComponent()).putClientProperty(
                    popupLocation, event != null ? event.getPoint() : null);
            return super.getPopupLocation(event);
    JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();
    Action printLocation = new AbstractAction("print cell") {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
           Point p = (Point) table.getClientProperty(popupLocation);
           if (p != null) { // popup triggered by mouse
               int row = table.rowAtPoint(p);
               int column = table.columnAtPoint(p);
     "" + table.getValueAt(row, column)); 
           } else { // popup triggered otherwise
               // could choose f.i. by leadRow/ColumnSelection

    Edit (triggered by Mad's comment):

    You should be checking MouseEvent.isPopupTrigger as the trigger point is platform dependent. This does mean you need to monitor mousePressed, mouseReleased and mouseClicked

    No, that's not needed (just checked :-): the mechanism that shows the componentPopup in response to a mouseEvent - happens in BasicLookAndFeel.AWTEventHelper - only does so if it is a popupTrigger.

    By reading the api doc (should have done yesterday ;-) again, it turns out that the method is called always before showing the componentPopup, that is also if triggered by other means, f.i. keyboard. In that case the event param is null - and the original code would blow. On the bright side, with that guarantee, all the logic of finding the target cell/s could be moved into that method. Didn't try though, so it might not be feasable (f.i. if then the location should be based on the leadRow/ColumnSelection that might not yet be fully handled at that time)