
Sorting an array of objects by a property

I am trying to sort this array by username from a mssql query. have tried using a couple of sort functions that others have made on the web, but have had no luck.

function getSalesPersonTargetTracker()
$targetTracker = new StdClass();
$targetTracker->agents = array();

$server = 'blah';
$connectioninfo = array( 'database' => 'blah', 'uid' => 'blah', 'pwd' => 'blah' );

$connection = sqlsrv_connect($server, $connectioninfo);

$query = "{call salespersontargettracker (?)}";
$params = array(
                 date_format(new DateTime(), '01/M/Y')

//Run the Query             
$statement = sqlsrv_query($connection, $query, $params);

if (sqlsrv_fetch($statement) === false)
     print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true);

//Read in the overall numbers
$targetTracker->target = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 0);
$targetTracker->workingDays = (int)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 1);
$targetTracker->currentDay = (int)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 2);
$targetTracker->dailyTarget = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 3);
$targetTracker->pointsShouldBeOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 4);
$targetTracker->pointsOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 5);
$targetTracker->pointsDifference = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 6);
$targetTracker->moneyShouldBeOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 7);
$targetTracker->moneyOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 8);
$targetTracker->moneyDifference = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 9);

//Move to the next result

//Run through all of the agents and show their details
while (sqlsrv_fetch($statement))
    $salesPerson = new StdClass();
    $salesPerson->team = sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 0);
    $salesPerson->username = sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 1);
    $salesPerson->target = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 2);
    $salesPerson->workingDays = (int)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 3);
    $salesPerson->currentDay = (int)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 4);
    $salesPerson->dailyTarget = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 5);
    $salesPerson->pointsShouldBeOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 6);
    $salesPerson->pointsOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 7);
    $salesPerson->pointsDifference = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 8);
    $salesPerson->moneyShouldBeOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 9);
    $salesPerson->moneyOn = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 10);
    $salesPerson->moneyDifference = (float)sqlsrv_get_field($statement, 11);

    //Add this person to the people list
    $targetTracker->agents[] = $salesPerson;

return $targetTracker;
$targetTrackerall = getSalesPersonTargetTracker();

    <table width="100%">
                <th><center>% +/-</center></th>                 
                <th><center>Actual Total</center></th>
                <th><center>+/- Total</center></th>

    //This loops through every single agent in our array
    foreach ($targetTrackerall->agents as $agent) {
        //If their points difference is a negative, then name & shame them
        if ($agent->pointsDifference < 0)
                <td><b><?php echo $agent->username ?></b></td>
                <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $agent->currentDay  ?> / <b><?php echo $agent->workingDays?></b></td>
                <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo $agent->pointsOn ?>%</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;"><?php echo round($agent->pointsDifference) ?>%</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">£<?php echo number_format($agent->moneyOn) ?></td>
                <td style="color: red; text-align: center;">-£<?php echo number_format(($agent->moneyDifference)*-1) ?></td>




  • If the username field is unique then you can use it as the key for the agents array and use ksort on the array.

    while (sqlsrv_fetch($statement))
      //Add this person to the people list
      $targetTracker->agents[$salesPerson->username] = $salesPerson;