
How to use Modi without installing 2003 office web

I use modi to do OCR.

Then I want to install the same program on my webserver. Obviously you can't install microsoft 2003 on hostgator hosting.

The problem is, of course, the program need to refer to modi.dll.

I saw several files here:

Interop.MODI.dll (what is this file anyway a wrapper)? MDIVWCTL.DLL this seems to be the real .dll

In my program if I tried to add reference to mdivwctl.dll I got this error: A reference to 'D:\business\shared\dropbox\Dropbox\badgers\dotNet\Thumbnailer\WebApplication1\MDIVWCTL.DLL' could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.

My programmer can add that but only in his computer.

Basically I want the dll to function by itself without registering, etc.

How to achieve that? How do I upload the program to windows shared hosting using asp?


  • I have a Desktop based application that is using MODI for OCR. At the time of writing the application, 4 months ago, I did some good amount of research into this area. I gave up after a while and just installed the free Sharepoint 2007 which includes MDIVWCTL.DLL. It does not seem likely that you can surpass the requirements of the assembly, it might have references to other components.