
IE Chrome Frame Full Screen

I have a working implementation of full screen working for Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome. From what I have read it should work for ie with google chrome frame but when I click the full screen button I created nothing happens. Any ideas? Is it not yet supported?

$('#enable_fullscreen').click ->
  if docElm.requestFullscreen
  else if docElm.mozRequestFullScreen
  else if docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen

Putting an alert in the "webkitRequestFullScreen" if statement shows that it does go to this condition in chrome frame but docElem.webkitrequestFullScreen() is undefined.


  • I've build it and made it work from this examples.

    The only things I can see missing from your code for the webkit condition is the parameter "Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT" to the webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT)

    Unfortunately the main problem of chrome frame is the communication with the IE window that literally behave like a difficult child ;-)

    For IE you can open a popup window in fullscreen mode by directly calling document.location.href for the source it will open the current page your are on, 'myAppfullscreen', 'fullscreen=1');