If one tries to run any of the git bisect
commands from anywhere other than the root directory of the repository, one is told:
You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree.
Why is that? I know of no other git
command that has this requirement, and I see no obvious reason that bisect
should be special. The man page makes no mention of this restriction, either.
It's really not a big deal. I'm mostly just curious.
Looking at some commits in the project, I see one by Marcel M. Cary (marcel@oak.homeunix.org)
He says in a commit (it happens to be about git-pull but I think it is relevant)
"git pull" fails because POSIX shells have a notion of current working directory that is different from getcwd(). The shell stores this path in PWD. As a result, "cd ../" can be interpreted differently in a shell script than chdir("../") in a C program. The shell interprets "../" by essentially stripping the last textual path component from PWD, whereas C chdir() follows the ".." link in the current directory on the filesystem. When PWD is a symlink, these are different destinations. As a result, Git's C commands find the correct top-level working tree, and shell scripts do not.
SO I'd say part of the reason is because git-bisect is a shell script which can't be trusted to find the toplevel on its own (when symlinks are involved).