
angular.js: equivalent of domReady

Warning: Angular newbie ahead.

I have this code in an angular.js page

  <div class="clearfix" ng-controller="Controller">

    <h1>Active Ideas 
    <button type="button" ng-click="search()">get Ideas</button></h1>

and then I have defined my controller as:

function Controller($scope, $http) {
  $ = function(){...

And it works fine.

I'd like to execute search() function when the dom is ready...

I tried calling it from a $(function() {... but I don't know how to manually execute a method from my controller

Also tried with

$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {

But couldn't make it work (and couldn't find much documentation either...)


  • You should execute search when your Controller is initialized. i.e.

    function Controller($scope, $http) {
      $ = function(){...};

    When Angular's Dependency Injection constructs your controller then you know that the your view is compiled, linked, and ready for initialization code.