
Enterprise Library 5.0 Configuration Console does not contain Autoscaling Settings

I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012 together with the Enterprise Library 5.0. So far, everything works. I installed the enterprise library without NuGet because we made very bad experiences with NuGet and want to avoid using it.

I'm developing a Windows Azure application and want to use the Autoscale Block. Having downloaded the binaries of the Windows Azure integration for EnterpriseLibrary and unzipped them into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Enterprise Library\bin" folder, the configuration console does not show the Autoscale Settings block.

Does anyone know if there is another installation step I am missing here? I want to be able to configure the app.config file with the configuration tool instead of doing everything by hand.

Best wishes, Christian


  • This is what you need to do:

    1. Install the last version: Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 Optional Update 1 (just to be sure)
    2. Download the Windows Azure Integration Pack: Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 Integration Pack for Windows Azure
    3. When you "install" the Integration Pack it will ask you to extract it somewhere. Choose to extract it to the EL Bin folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0\Bin
    4. Right click your web/app.config and choose Edit Enterprise Library V5 Configuration. You should see "Add Autoscaling Settings" under blocks.