
Have Supervisord Periodically restart child processes

I am using Supervisor (3.0a12) on ubuntu 12.04 to manage php gearman workers. Sometimes the workers get caught in a weird state where they use tons of cpu and ram. While I am figuring this issue out I thought it would be nice to have Supervisor automatically kill and refresh workers occasionally. I looked at the configuration documentation and didn't seem to see any options that would allow for this.

Does anyone know if it is possible to have supervisord periodically restart all processes it governs??


  • The superlance package offers a memmon plugin for supervisor. memmon monitors memory usage for programs under supervisor control.

    You configure memmon as a supervisor eventlistener:

    command=memmon -a 200MB

    The above configuration sets memmon to restart any program under supervisor control if it exceeds 200MB memory usage. It checks every 60 seconds.

    You can configure memmon to monitor specific programs or program groups, setting limits for each.