
Versioning Database Persisted Objects, How would you?

(Not related to versioning the database schema)

Applications that interfaces with databases often have domain objects that are composed with data from many tables. Suppose the application were to support versioning, in the sense of CVS, for these domain objects.

For some arbitry domain object, how would you design a database schema to handle this requirement? Any experience to share?


  • Think carefully about the requirements for revisions. Once your code-base has pervasive history tracking built into the operational system it will get very complex. Insurance underwriting systems are particularly bad for this, with schemas often running in excess of 1000 tables. Queries also tend to be quite complex and this can lead to performance issues.

    If the historical state is really only required for reporting, consider implementing a 'current state' transactional system with a data warehouse structure hanging off the back for tracking history. Slowly Changing Dimensions are a much simpler structure for tracking historical state than trying to embed an ad-hoc history tracking mechanism directly into your operational system.

    Also, Changed Data Capture is simpler for a 'current state' system with changes being done to the records in place - the primary keys of the records don't change so you don't have to match records holding different versions of the same entity together. An effective CDC mechanism will make an incremental warehouse load process fairly lightweight and possible to run quite frequently. If you don't need up-to-the minute tracking of historical state (almost, but not quite, and oxymoron) this can be an effective solution with a much simpler code base than a full history tracking mechanism built directly into the application.