
How to get image src by class

I have this:

<a href="/Dealer-Catalog/ManufacturerID-3">[![ADTRAN][1]][1]

how to get img src (

I tried a lot of things and that was the last one:

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//class='brand-logo']/img/@src)");
echo "$src";


  • That's not proper XPath syntax. Try

    $nodes = $xpath->query("//img[@class='brand-logo']");
    $src = $nodes->item(0)->getAttribute('src');

    First you fetch the NODE that represents the image whose src you want, THEN you get the src attribute. Note that the ->query() call returns a DOMNodeList, not a node.