I am working with Grails 2.1.1
and would like to add a handful of customized URLs that map to Controller Actions.
I can do that, but the original mapping still works.
For example, I created a mapping add-property-to-directory
in my UrlMappings
as follows:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/add-property-to-directory"(controller: "property", action: "create")
constraints {
// apply constraints here
Now, I can hit /mysite/add-property-to-directory
and it will execute PropertyController.create
, as I would expect.
However, I can still hit /mysite/property/create
, and it will execute the same PropertyController.create
In the spirit of DRY, I would like to do a 301 Redirect from /mysite/property/create
to /mysite/add-property-to-directory
I could not find a way to do this in UrlMappings.groovy
. Does anyone know of a way I can accomplish this in Grails?
Thank you very much!
Here is the solution that I implemented, based on Tom's answer:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/add-property-to-directory"(controller: "property", action: "create")
"/property/create" {
controller = "redirect"
destination = "/add-property-to-directory"
constraints {
// apply constraints here
class RedirectController {
def index() {
redirect(url: params.destination, permanent: true)
It is possible to achieve this:
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" (
controller: 'myRedirectControlller', action: 'myRedirectAction', params:[ controller: $controller, action: $action, id: $id ]
"/user/list" ( controller:'user', action:'list' )
and in the action you get the values normallny in params:
log.trace 'myRedirectController.myRedirectAction: ' + params.controller + ', ' + params.action + ', ' + params.id