
Salary calculator program

#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;

int main ();
cout << "What is the mean amount you work/week?" << endl;

if (input <= 40)
cout << "Your salary is $8.00/hour";
cin >> a1;
if (a1 <= 0)
cout << "";
cin >> a2;
if (a2 >= 40)
cout << a3
cin >> a3;

cout << "" << endl;
cout << " Better luck next time.- the correct answer is " << add << endl;

return 0;

I'm trying to write a C++ program to compute and display a person’s salary as determined by the following expressions:

If hours worked <= 40, the person receives $8/hour otherwise, Person receives the first 40hrs @ $8/hr remaining hrs at 1.5x basic rate.
Program should request: 1) hours worked (input) 2) display the salary earned (output).
Use a constant variable for basic rate so the program can be updated easily when hourly rates change.
Give appropriately input/output. Test program several x with hrs below, =, and above 40.

Any direction will be greatly appreciated!


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    As per your code. This is what it should be

    #include <iostream>
    int main () {
        int hours = 0;
        int rate = 8;
        std::cout << "Enter number of working hours?";
        std::cin >> hours;
        int pay = hours * rate;
        if (40 < hours) {
            pay += (hours - 40) * (rate / 2);
        std::cout << "Total Pay" << pay << std::endl;
        return 0;