What is the proper way to call a ASMX Web Service with MicrosoftAjax.js if your just including the JavaScript in static HTML?
What I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function testCallSoap() {
// in here I want to call the default HelloWorld() method
// it is located at ~/MyTestService.asmx
<span onclick="testCallSoap();">test</span><br />
I've honestly never called a webservice without a script manager, but:
In your webservice, you need to make sure that your WebService class uses the [ScriptService] attribute. Then you can include this js file: MyService.asmx/js.
public class MyService : WebService
public string Foo()
return "bar";
This will make it work with JSON... See this article: Link
Not really a complete answer, but I hope it gets you moving in the right direction.