
Modify cmd.exe properties using the command prompt

Isn't that nicely recursive?

I've got a portable command prompt on my external drive, and it has a nice .bat file to configure some initial settings, but I'd like more!

Here's what I know how to set from .bat:

So that's all great. But there are a few settings I can't seem to set from the bat. Like, how would I set these up wihtout using the Properties dialogue:


  • Regarding setting the buffer size:

    Using mode con: cols=XX lines=YY sets not only the window (screen) size, but the buffer size too.

    If you specify a size allowed by your system, based on available screen size, you'll see that both window and buffer dimension are set to the same value; .e.g:

    mode con: cols=100 lines=30

    results in the following (values are the same):

    By contrast, if you specify values that are too large based on the available screen size, you'll see that the window size changes to its maximum, but the buffer size is changed to the values as specified.

    mode con: cols=1600 lines=900

    With a screen resolution of 1280x1024, you'll get: