
How to deploy a nice One-Window-Application with Pharo or Squeak?

I have an application that has it's entire GUI in one Morph. Pharo and Squeak have one window in the host operating system.

Now i want to tie this one Morph to the one Pharo/Squeak window in a way that it fills the whole Pharo/Squeak window, resizes (and updates the Morph's layout), when the Pharo/Squeak window is resized and in a way that there is no (accidental) possibility for the user to access anything beyond that Morph (it is just about usability, not about security, though!).

How can i achieve this?


  • Adjust your morph's bounds in its step method:

        (self position = (0 @ 0) and: [self extent = owner extent]) ifFalse: [
            self position: 0 @ 0.
            self extent: owner extent].

    You may want to make this conditional on a "deployment" flag, which you only enable when saving the user image. This is for example how Scratch ( does it.