I am looking to create my own collection of class files in the library/common folder
/library/common/*class files go in here*
Inside the folder I will have various class files that I want to make available
such as
example of the code can be seen below?
class Common_Decorator_SimpleInput extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract
// code goes in here
The question I have is how do I get the zend application to automatically load anything in common folder that has the the prefix of Common_
I have tried adding the following to the bootstrap but it did not work
protected function _initTestAutoLoader(){
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
// try and load the class
$testVar = new Common_Decorator_SimpleInput();
Is your class name matching the library path...
eg Common_Decorator_SimpleInput
must be in /library/Common/Decorator/SimpleInput.php