
Adwhirl test ad issue

In my application i have integrated ad-whirl, in the ad-whirl setup i have configured 3 ad networks like iad, ad-mob and Millennial Media but ads are coming only from ad-mob network. Even i have turned off both iad and ad-mob network in ad network setting in ad-whirl.

I have integrated all the 3 ad network sdks

enter image description here

And i have returned this code in adwhirlViewController

    [super viewWillAppear:YES];

    adView=[AdWhirlView requestAdWhirlViewWithDelegate:self];

    [self.view addSubview:adView];  

- (void)adWhirlDidReceiveAd:(AdWhirlView *)adWhirlView {
    NSLog(@"Ad received");
    CGSize adSize = [adView actualAdSize];
    NSLog(@"Net work Name %@",[adWhirlView mostRecentNetworkName]);
    CGRect newFrame = adView.frame;
    newFrame.size = adSize;

    newFrame.origin.x = (self.view.bounds.size.width - adSize.width)/ 2;

    NSLog(@"frame size %f,%f",newFrame.origin.x,newFrame.origin.y);
    adView.frame = newFrame;


- (NSString *)adWhirlApplicationKey {
        // return your SDK key  
    return kSampleAppKey;


-(void)adWhirlDidFailToReceiveAd:(AdWhirlView *)adWhirlView usingBackup:(BOOL)yesOrNo
    NSLog(@"Ad not Received");
    NSLog(@"Net work Name %@",[adWhirlView mostRecentNetworkName]);
    CGRect tempFrame = adView.frame;
    tempFrame.origin.y = -adView.frame.size.height;
    adView.frame = tempFrame;


But ads are coming only from admob. please guide me to fix this issue.



  • What SDK key does kSampleAppKey map to? Are you sure that it maps to the key given to you by the AdWhirl console when you set up your ad placement?