I'm using the MapBox SDK with an offline map. I'm adding a RMPath overlay to the mapView and everything is shown ok.
problem no. 1: while scrolling the map the RMPath overlay is scrolled also, but sometimes it is drawn with an offset (a location where it was just a moment ago) for just a fraction of a second, after that it gets to it's normal place , and this creates a sensation of flickering. Why this happens and how can I get rid of it?
problem no. 2: while scrolling the map the RMMarker and RMPath overlay "vibrates", it's like the overlay tries to "catch up" with it's normal position when the map is scrolled. It's just a few pixels, but when zoomed it looks pretty bad. this happens most probably because the -draw() method is called only when the map is moved more than just a pixel. How can I make the overlays scroll smoother?
My searches resulted with absolutely nothing, so any help is welcomed.
p.s. tested on iPhone3GS and iPhone4S, same problems on both.
RMPath is deprecated, try using RMShape instead. Also do not forget to set the bounding box of your annotation before adding it to the map (setBoundingBoxFromLocations can be useful).
Example :
pathAnnotation = [[RMAnnotation alloc]initWithMapView:mapView coordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(long,lat) andTitle:@"path"];
[pathAnnotation setBoundingBoxFromLocations:pathLocations];
and then in your layerForAnnotation() :
RMShape *path = [[RMShape alloc] initWithView:mapView] ;
[path setLineColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.2 green:0.7 blue:1 alpha:0.7]];
[path setLineWidth:4];
// Create real coordinates from data
for(int idx = 0; idx < pathPoints.count; idx++)
CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(pathPoints[idx].latitude,pathPoints[idx].longitude);
// First point
if( idx == 0){
[path moveToCoordinate:coord];
[path addLineToCoordinate:coord];
return path;