
How do I get Code Examples to show in the Help file using Sandcastle Help File Builder?

I'm using Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI and I can't seem to get code examples in my comments to appear in the help file output.

I'm generating Help 1.x and MSDN-style HTML documentation.

The examples look like the following in my code:

    /// <summary>
    /// Connects to the server
    /// </summary>
    /// <example> Connecting to localhost
    /// <code>
    /// Client client = new Client(true);
    /// EndPoint localhost = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 8888);
    /// client.Connect(localhost);
    /// </code>
    /// </example>

Do I need to configure some Project Property which is unknown to me?


  • The answer was you don't need to do anything. Under Documentation Sources I'd added my .csproj and this was using the files under bin/Debug which weren't being rebuilt. So the answer for me was to change the Documentation Sources to the files under bin/Release. Stupid, I know. I'll leave this here in case anyone else has the same problem.