I'm using Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI and I can't seem to get code examples in my comments to appear in the help file output.
I'm generating Help 1.x and MSDN-style HTML documentation.
The examples look like the following in my code:
/// <summary>
/// Connects to the server
/// </summary>
/// <example> Connecting to localhost
/// <code>
/// Client client = new Client(true);
/// EndPoint localhost = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 8888);
/// client.Connect(localhost);
/// </code>
/// </example>
Do I need to configure some Project Property which is unknown to me?
The answer was you don't need to do anything. Under Documentation Sources I'd added my .csproj and this was using the files under bin/Debug
which weren't being rebuilt. So the answer for me was to change the Documentation Sources to the files under bin/Release
. Stupid, I know. I'll leave this here in case anyone else has the same problem.