I am looking for any of the following (in order of preference):
Sample implementations include:
Do you know where to find something along those lines?
Use prefuse to create an EdgeRenderer subclass:
* Responsible for drawing orthogonal edges between two nodes.
public class OrthogonalEdgeRenderer
extends EdgeRenderer {
* Creates a new edge renderer with a given arrowType. The edgeType is
* ignored -- the edges are drawn orthogonally, as per the responsibility
* of this class. The arrowType is one of the Constants.EDGE_ARROW_* values.
* @param edgeType Ignored.
* @param arrowType One of Constants.EDGE_ARROW_*.
* @see prefuse.Constants
public OrthogonalEdgeRenderer( int edgeType, int arrowType ) {
super( edgeType, arrowType );
* Creates a new instance with no arrow head.
public OrthogonalEdgeRenderer() {
this( Constants.EDGE_TYPE_LINE, Constants.EDGE_ARROW_NONE );
* Creates an orthogonal shape (an edge) to draw between two nodes.
* @param vi The visual item with start and end points.
* @return The shape to draw between the nodes for this edge.
protected Shape getRawShape( VisualItem vi ) {
Path2D.Double result = new Path2D.Double();
if( vi instanceof EdgeItem ) {
EdgeItem ei = ( EdgeItem )vi;
double sx = ei.getSourceItem().getX();
double sy = ei.getSourceItem().getY();
double tx = ei.getTargetItem().getX();
double ty = ei.getTargetItem().getY();
double midy = ( sy + ty ) / 2;
if( midy != sy && midy != ty ) {
result.moveTo( sx, sy );
result.lineTo( sx, midy );
result.lineTo( tx, midy );
result.lineTo( tx, ty );
return result;