
Not able to send facebook message using xmpp4r_facebook

I am following the instructions presented in to send message to my friend and currently testing from command line. Following is the code I am using. When I open my facebook account and check the sent messages I don't see the message I am trying to send through command line. I just don't understand the mistake I am making.

1.9.3-p194 :017 >   require 'xmpp4r_facebook'
 => true 

1.9.3-p194 :00 3  >   id = '-<my facebook id>'
=> "-<my facebook id>"

1.9.3-p194 :00 4 > to = '-<friend facebook id>'
=> "-< friend's facebook id>"

1.9.3-p194 :00 5 > body = "hello, Im not spam!"
=> "hello, Im not spam!"

1.9.3-p194 :00 6 > subject = 'message from ruby'
=> "message from ruby"

1.9.3-p194 :00 7 > message = to, body
=> <message xmlns='jabber:client' to='-<friend facebook id>'> ... </>

1.9.3-p194 :00 8 > message.subject = subject
=> "message from ruby"

1.9.3-p194 :00 9 >
1.9.3-p194 :010 >   client =
=> #<Jabber::Client:0x007fc47e4d8498 @fd=nil, @status=1, @xmlcbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8470 @list=[]>, @stanzacbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8420 @list=[]>, @messagecbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d83d0 @list=[]>, @iqcbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8380 @list=[]>, @presencecbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8330 @list=[]>, @send_lock=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d82e0>, @last_send=2012-10-12 23:29:34 +0530, @exception_block=nil, @tbcbmutex=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d8290>, @threadblocks=[], @wakeup_thread=nil, @streamid=nil, @streamns="jabber:client", @features_sem=#<Jabber::Semaphore:0x007fc47e4d8218 @tickets=0, @lock=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d81f0>, @cond=#<ConditionVariable:0x007fc47e4d81c8 @waiters=[], @waiters_mutex=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d8178>>>, @parser_thread=nil, @processing=0, @host=nil, @port=nil, @allow_tls="constant", @tls=false, @ssl_capath=nil, @ssl_verifycb=nil, @features_timeout=10, @keepalive_interval=60, @use_ssl=false, @jid=-<my facebook id>>

1.9.3-p194 :011 > client.connect
=> #<Jabber::Client:0x007fc47e4d8498 @fd=#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0x007fc47c852260>, @status=2, @xmlcbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8470 @list=[]>, @stanzacbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8420 @list=[]>, @messagecbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d83d0 @list=[]>, @iqcbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8380 @list=[]>, @presencecbs=#<Jabber::CallbackList:0x007fc47e4d8330 @list=[]>, @send_lock=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d82e0>, @last_send=2012-10-12 23:29:35 +0530, @exception_block=nil, @tbcbmutex=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d8290>, @threadblocks=[], @wakeup_thread=nil, @streamid="10BAB5BB", @streamns="jabber:client", @features_sem=#<Jabber::Semaphore:0x007fc47e4d8218 @tickets=0, @lock=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d81f0>, @cond=#<ConditionVariable:0x007fc47e4d81c8 @waiters=[], @waiters_mutex=#<Mutex:0x007fc47e4d8178>>>, @parser_thread=#<Thread:0x007fc47c852008 sleep>, @processing=0, @host="", @port=5222, @allow_tls="constant", @tls=true, @ssl_capath=nil, @ssl_verifycb=nil, @features_timeout=10, @keepalive_interval=60, @use_ssl=false,, @socket=#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0x007fc47c852260>, @stream_mechanisms=["X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", "DIGEST-MD5"], @stream_features={}, @parser=#<Jabber::StreamParser:0x007fc47c852030 @stream=#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0x007fc47c852260>, @listener=#<Jabber::Client:0x007fc47e4d8498 ...>, @current=nil, @started=true>, @keepaliveThread=#<Thread:0x007fc47c899868 run>>
1.9.3-p194 :012 > client.auth_sasl(, '<App ID>', '<access token>', 'App Secret'), nil) => <iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' id='2071'> ... </>

1.9.3-p194 :013 > client.send message
=> nil

1.9.3-p194 :014 > client.close
=> #<Thread:0x007fc47c899868 dead>


  • The format for this gem is

    -<id> for to and id



    Notice the initial dash - (Not sure why)

    So the response after

    message = to, body

    should be

    <message xmlns='jabber:client' to='-<friend facebook id>'> ... </>

    I'm not sure whether usernames are interchangeable, so you must use the id number of the Facebook user also I believe you can only use the Chat API to communicate between Facebook friends, not to anyone in Gmail. Facebook Messages is a different platform altogether from Facebook Chat.

    You need to use ids, for example, if the profile is and the id is 4 then it would be to = '' Usernames will not work for this gem I believe.