
Html from Silverlight (not out of browser)

I am trying to open HTML file from the local URI which I use as XML Editor, to edit xml data that come from Silverlight application, then close browser window and return back edited xml data to the Silverlight application.

I tried to use HtmlPage.Window.Navigate but I don't quit like it.

I have tried using a method from:

but instanly got an exception "failed to invoke ShowJobPlanIFrame"

Is there any way to handle this task? "Out of browser" mode doesn't fit.




It worked out using IFrame overlay.

Button click invokes the following code in C#:

var scriptObject = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("ShowJobPlanIFrame");

Where "ShowJobPlanIFrame" is as defined at:

This allowed me to pass data into XML editor and then get it back.

An error with JavaScript function invocation I told above, was my fault in JavaScript code itself.


  • It worked out using IFrame overlay.

    Button click invokes the following code in C#:

    var scriptObject = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("ShowJobPlanIFrame");

    Where "ShowJobPlanIFrame" is as defined at:

    This allowed me to pass data into XML editor and then get it back. An error with JavaScript function invocation I told above, was my fault in JavaScript code itself.