STEs throw two types of Exception:
With UpdateException we can check the inner SQLExeption.Number to identify the the Exception (ex. 515=NullNotAllowed)
InvalidOperationException seems not to expose a code. The Hresult property is protected.
Currently I am parsing InvalidOperationException.Message which is ugly:
Using ctx AS New MyEntities
End Using
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException When ex.Message.Contains("...foreign-key properties is non-nullable")
Throw New FaultException("...")
Catch ex As UpdateException When CType(ex.InnerException, SqlException).Number = SQLErrorNumbers.NullNotAllowed
Throw New FaultException("...")
End Try
How are we supposed to differentiate InvalidOperationExceptions? Is there a list of possible InvalidOperationExceptions? Can one access the protected HResult?
EDIT No I am not talking about the "duplicate entries" InvalidOperationExceptions! I am getting an InvalidOperationException "The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable...".
There seems to be no way around the ugly exception handling with STE.