I'm trying to make an animation for my game, of an ant leaving it's nest. It should descend the nest going right and down, facing down and then look straight again.
I created two sequences of actions, one for moving and the other for rotating and put them together in a CCSpawn. If I execute only the moving action it works fine, but when the actions are executed together, at the end the sprite moves back to it's original position.
I have no idea of what's happening. Can you guys help?
CCLayer * gameLayer = CCLayer::create();
Ant* ant = Ant::create(); // Ant is a CCSprite
CCPoint nestp = ccp(45, 172);
// ant walking animation
CCAnimate * antWalk = CCAnimate::create(_antWalk);
CCPoint p1 = ccp(55, 165), p2 = ccp(75,160), p3 = ccp(90,110), p4 = ccp(105, 50);
CCSequence *moveOut = (CCSequence *)CCSequence::create(CCMoveTo::create(0.3, p1), CCMoveTo::create(0.3, p2), CCMoveTo::create(0.7, p3), CCMoveTo::create(0.7, p4), NULL);
CCSequence *rotateOut = (CCSequence *) CCSequence::create(CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 50), CCDelayTime::create(1), CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 0));
CCSpawn *leaveNest = (CCSpawn *)CCSpawn::create(moveOut, rotateOut, NULL);
When reviewing my own question I realized that I had forgotten to add NULL to the end of the rotating sequence. It should be like this:
CCSequence *rotateOut = (CCSequence *) CCSequence::create(CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 50), CCDelayTime::create(1), CCRotateTo::create(0.5, 0), NULL);
I wouldn't expect this behaviour, as there were no errors, that's why I took so long to find out but now it works fine! I hope it'll help someone running in the same issue.