
Gearman client doBackground always returns GEARMAN_TIMEOUT

So, ive got a simple gearman system running right now, with a worker running.

The worker basically just takes the payload (a random number in this case, and is supposed to echo it back to the screen. Literally an echo, not returning to the client.

The client sends the random number. Im trying to do a $client->doBackground( 'post', 65482, md5(uniqid())); but its coming back with a 47 error (GEARMAN_TIMEOUT) every time.

getErrNo() returns 0, error() returns something about GEARMAN_TIMEOUT

However, when i change it to just $client->do(blah, blah, blah), it works just fine.

I've even occasionally seen it where the worker still echo's the number, even after getting the timeout error...

public function execute()
        $method = 'do';
        if( !$this->getBlock() )
            $method .= ( $this->getPriority() == 'Normal' ? '' : $this->getPriority() ) . 'Background';
            $method .= $this->getPriority();
        echo "Method: $method \t Worker: {$this->getName()} \t Payload: {$this->getPayload()} \t Hash: {$this->getHash()}\n";
        if( $this->getClient()->returnCode() != GEARMAN_SUCCESS )
            echo "Code: " . $this->getClient()->returnCode() . "\t" . GEARMAN_TIMEOUT . "\n";

that echo comes back with

Method: doHighBackground Worker: leadposter Payload: 10930 Hash: 091878f5965e4a1de2992c607b3c562b240792a6

Heres the error info

  array(4) {
    string(103) "gearman_wait(GEARMAN_TIMEOUT) timeout reached, no servers were available -> libgearman/"


  • Solved it.

    Connections werent persisting across methods... so, build a server pool, and connected to the servers just before running the job