I am using Apache Solr via Sunspot on Rails with the standard syntax:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable do
# ...
latlon(:location) { Sunspot::Util::Coordinates.new(lat, lon) }
With a search:
Post.search do
order_by_geodist(:location, 32, -68)
How can I get the distance from the search location in the hits? I have tried a million different syntax options for returning geodist in the hits but nothing seems to work.
In Sunspot 2.0.0.pre.120925, you have to incorporate the hack at http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpatialSearch#Returning_the_distance. This will put the distance into the score, which would look something like:
results = Post.search do
fulltext "{!func}geodist(location_ll, 32, -68)"
order_by(:score, :asc)
post = results.hits.first.result
distance = results.hits.first.score