
Mondrian configure Logging

I'm developing a web app that shows some dashboard panels with data provided by a OLAP cube. I'm using Mondrian as the analytical platform. Currently, I have everything working. The dashboard works fine with the data provided by Mondrian.

Now, I want to access the query logs from Mondrian, to check their execution time, etc. I've checked the docs but I couldn't make it work: I can't understand what it means.

Then I've searched for tutorials, but all of them talk about a log4j.xml file in the folder tomcat/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/classes. The thing is that I only have a log4j.properties file in that folder.

Can you help me getting logging to work?
Thanks in advance.


  • You can take a look at how the Pentaho Business Analytics Server does it.

    Place the log4j.xml file in your WEB-INF/classes folder.

    Good luck!
