I'm trying to obtain the selection color of a Gtk3 IconView in python but I'm confused how to interpret the existing C++ documentation and how it relates to Python.
My current python code is as follows:
color = self.iconview.get_style().bg[Gtk.StateType.SELECTED]
This works ok in Ubuntu 12.04 - Gnome/Gtk 3.2 I think.
However the documentation here says get_style
is deprecated since 3.0
In Ubuntu 12.10 which uses the latest GTK, the above does not work - I get an error:
CRITICAL **: StackOverflow protection. Can't copy array element into GIArgument
The document says I should use GtkStyleContext - but how?
Can anyone give me a concrete python example?
In C:
GdkRGBA color;
GtkStyleContext *style =
(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED, &color);
Python translation by fossfreedom:
context = self.iconview.get_style_context()
color = context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED)
It appears that the GtkStyle
struct from gtk2 was simply replaced with the more modern GtkStyleContext
class in gtk3