Looking at the GHC source code I can see that the definition for fix is:
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
In an example fix is used like this:
fix (\f x -> let x' = x+1 in x:f x')
This basically yields a sequence of numbers that increase by one to infinity. For this to happen fix must be currying the function that it receives right back to that very function as it's first parameter. It isn't clear to me how the definition of fix listed above could be doing that.
This definition is how I came to understand how fix works:
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
So now I have two questions:
It's easy to see how this definition works by applying equational reasoning.
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
What will x
evaluate to when we try to evaluate fix f
? It's defined as f x
, so fix f = f x
. But what is x
here? It's f x
, just as before. So you get fix f = f x = f (f x)
. Reasoning in this way you get an infinite chain of applications of f
: fix f
= f (f (f (f ...)))
Now, substituting (\f x -> let x' = x+1 in x:f x')
for f
you get
fix (\f x -> let x' = x+1 in x:f x')
= (\f x -> let x' = x+1 in x:f x') (f ...)
= (\x -> let x' = x+1 in x:((f ...) x'))
= (\x -> x:((f ...) x + 1))
= (\x -> x:((\x -> let x' = x+1 in x:(f ...) x') x + 1))
= (\x -> x:((\x -> x:(f ...) x + 1) x + 1))
= (\x -> x:(x + 1):((f ...) x + 2))
= ...
Edit: Regarding your second question, @is7s pointed out in the comments that the first definition is preferable because it is more efficient.
To find out why, let's look at the Core for fix1 (:1) !! 10^8
a_r1Ko :: Type.Integer
a_r1Ko = __integer 1
main_x :: [Type.Integer]
main_x =
: @ Type.Integer a_r1Ko main_x
main3 :: Type.Integer
main3 =
!!_sub @ Type.Integer main_x 100000000
As you can see, after the transformations fix1 (1:)
essentially became main_x = 1 : main_x
. Note how this definition refers to itself - this is what "tying the knot" means. This self-reference is represented as a simple pointer indirection at runtime:
Now let's look at fix2 (1:) !! 100000000
main6 :: Type.Integer
main6 = __integer 1
:: [Type.Integer] -> [Type.Integer]
main5 = : @ Type.Integer main6
main4 :: [Type.Integer]
main4 = fix2 @ [Type.Integer] main5
main3 :: Type.Integer
main3 =
!!_sub @ Type.Integer main4 100000000
Here the fix2
application is actually preserved:
The result is that the second program needs to do allocation for each element of the list (but since the list is immediately consumed, the program still effectively runs in constant space):
$ ./Test2 +RTS -s
2,400,047,200 bytes allocated in the heap
133,012 bytes copied during GC
27,040 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
17,688 bytes maximum slop
1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Compare that to the behaviour of the first program:
$ ./Test1 +RTS -s
47,168 bytes allocated in the heap
1,756 bytes copied during GC
42,632 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
18,808 bytes maximum slop
1 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)